Free link

Customer Details:

Service Required:

The service charges in Bahraini Dinars (BD):

Connection Charges BD Monthly Charges BD
Registration once off 36.750
Number change termination 10.500
International subscription 17.493
INational subscription 6.993

Provision Letter

Application to Subscribe for Freelink Service

M/s, Batelco

I wish to apply for the provisioning of Freelink service for the phone number CR

This is to confirm that the information provided on the freelink web page is correct and accurate. For .


Company stamp.



The above letter is required signiture and company stamp. Please click print to get it out and attache it again to the web site.

Security Code

I/We have read and understand the Terms and Conditions for Freelink service and have accepted them

** All prices stated above are inclusive of 10% VAT